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Nutrition plan for long distance sport challenges. Part 4: The energy supply

Now, that we have become entangled in the mysteries of physiology, it is time we translated the above into practical language: According to food safety regulations, nutrient content and ingredients must be indicated on food packages. Sport food products contain users' manuals as well. We must read it every time. When we consume energy bars, gels, drinks we should try to drink at least 10% more water than indicated on the package. I will describe its background shortly.

If we plan our fueling process, and we begin with reading the recommendations on the package, we will soon realize what the bottleneck of energy supply is: tolerance for liquids. In case of medium intensity running, we can consume maximum half a litre of water an hour. This amount will determine the potential maximum of carbohydrate supply: if we have one sodium-boosted energy bar, the concentration of the solution might reach 13 %, but it is not typical.  The average density - keeping the recommended water intake - is rather 7-8% which allows the intake of 37 grams of carbohydrates. That is what we have to be able to apply to the consumption of our favourite energy bar.

We must keep in mind that sports drinks also contain carbohydrates, but do not use them to dilute solid refreshments.  It complicates the matter that density is determined by the number of molecules taken into the solution, but we can overstep this problem by using modern products. Manufacturers have already optimized the carbohydrate blend of products. The products contain simple and complex carbohydrates (sugars) in optimal proportion in order to maintain a continuous and balanced absorption - alongside proper water intake.

I think the time is over for DIY practices. Too much is at risk if one does race fueling by homemade cakes and pig's lung stew. Finding the right carbohydrate-water proportion is not enough, we still have that blooming sodium, which being a key player, might be the cause for both cheerfulness and delirium. By boosting our refreshments by common salt, we might set up another trap for ourselves. Electrically charged particles, ions, similar to Na+ like potassium, magnesium, and calcium play an exceptionally important part in the information and energy transmission between cells. Our body can store them in varying amounts, and if their proportion is altered, really unpleasant symptoms may occur: muscle spasms for instance. Modern refreshments contain these ingredients in appropriate proportion. Chances of getting the right composition, which is the result of plenty of years of scientific research, in our own kitchen are rather slim.

Previous parts here.

The race is yor businness, leave refreshment with Enduraid!

To be continued!!



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